Teachers play a key role in shaping the future of individuals and society by educating and inspiring the next generation. We entrust them with the tremendous responsibility of nurturing and educating our children. Other than parents, few people have more influence in our children’s lives. Teaching isn’t just a 7:30 AM to 2:30 PM job. It requires commitment to plan, to work “off the clock” to prepare lessons, grade papers and perform various school support and mentoring activities. For decades in Ohio, teachers were required to obtain their master's degrees. The law changed 10 years ago, so many Forest Hills School District (FHSD) teachers have master's degrees. For those that entered the profession more recently, most invest personally in ongoing learning about state-of-the-art teaching methods to ensure their continued efficacy in the classroom. In 2023, our teachers agreed to a one-year contract. This year, they're looking to negotiate a standard 3-year contract as the district has traditionally supported in previous years. Salary comparisons and the cost of living"You get what you pay for” is an age-old adage that applies to many professions, but in the case of FHSD teachers, it doesn’t really apply — we typically get more than we pay for. Our district rates among the State’s highest in performance and among the lowest in the area in education cost per student. The nationwide cost of living increases have hit our educators hard over the last few years as our last contract sailed for a 2% increase (2023 contract signed with FHTA) while the Bureau of Labor Statistics says the cost of living (COLA) grew 5.9% in 2022 and 8.7% in 2023. While inflation is now slowing, it still exceeds the 2023 increase. Over time, we cannot expect quality teachers to absorb these kinds of cost increases without a more considerate response than the 2023 contract.
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September 2024